Monday 9 November 2015

December 20 -- Xel-Ha

On the very first day, we are going to Xel-Ha, an aquarium park built right on the estuary of the Caribbean Sea. It is a true paradise for nature lovers and swimmers. There are all kinds of activities that we could do: snorkelling, scuba diving, swimming in the river, cliff jumping, and sliding down the zip-line above the water!

Snorkelling is the major activity in Xel-ha, and we plan to spend at least 2 hours on that since there’s just so much to explore under the water. The water is crystal clear, and there are more than 70 categories of fishes in it. Although I’m not a fish lover, it’s just too fascinating for any curious person like I am. Besides fishes, there are also whole bunch of fun to snorkel. Since we have to wear life jackets in order to snorkel, we can just flow with the water and put our heads into the water to see things. It’s kind of like swimming but not in a tiring way.

Cliff of Courage
Another activity that also seems exciting is called the Cliff of Courage. We have to actually jump from a 10-meter high cliff into the water. I know it must be scary when people stand on the edge and look down, but I believe when you finally decide to jump it definitely would be another unforgettable memory.

We actually plan to play more zip-lines in another aquarium park call Xplor, which I will talk about more in the following post. But the zip-line in Xel-ha also seems to be fun since it is right above the river, and you have to loose yourself to fall into the water at the end. Otherwise you are going to hit the wall built by stone and you know it’s gonna hurt.

Food and Drinks
There are eight different Mexican restaurants in the park, and the foods are all different from each other, and the best thing is you don’t have to pay for all the food and alcohol; they are all included in the 89USD admission fee!
It would be like this:

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